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The Network supercharged the energy and information network industry

The Network supercharged the energy and information network industry

The main event for the energy and information network sector, the Network fair, brought together the field’s experts to provide a sparky package filled with future visions between January 25–26 in Tampere. The fair was organised for the fourteenth time, and it was especially applauded for its inspiring encounters and topicality. A total of 4,324 visitors went with the Network’s flow over the two-day event. On the fair's opening day, the network business industry’s recognition award of Vuoden Verkostoteko was given to the Tampere Adult Education Centre (TAKK) for their electrical training.


The future-proof and functional, sustainable, and developing energy and information network solutions wowed fairgoers for two full days of the Network event. Forced into a four-year hiatus due to the exceptional times, the event emerged anew and was highly praised for its unparalleled liveliness, topicality, and productiveness. The fair’s themes shone brightly in intelligent and responsible networks, with special focus on networks with high reliability, networks undergoing energy transformation, and responsibility. This year the event looked forward to common future goals and again provided a long-awaited meeting place for the industry in high spirits. It was time for the Network’s rebirth, and everyone contributed to the flow.


Event photos for Network 2023:


Electrical training provided by the Tampere Adult Education Centre won the Network Act of the Year


The recognition award, Network Act of the Year (Vuoden Verkostoteko), was handed out at the end of the Energy Networks 2035 seminar by Finnish Energy. The recipient of the award was the Tampere Adult Education Centre (TAKK) and their programme of electrical training. The award was received by TAKK's industry director Juha Jokinen (TAKK Engineering) and training director Jari Hietanen (TAKK Mechanical and Electrical Engineering), and it was delivered by Network Exhibition Committee Chairman, Finnish Energy Director Janne Kerttula and Finnish Energy board member Veera Höglund from Infratek Finland Oy. In 2023, the theme for the recognition award was responsibility. In their reasoning, Finnish Energy and the Tampere Trade Fairs Group noted TAKK’s long and exacting work in the electrical industry as a whole, and electrical network installation training in particular. TAKK also received praise for their well-known and frequently recognised cooperation with the sector’s businesses. In addition, investments in the TAKK Field of Electricity (TAKK-Sähkökenttä) enable unique practical training within a safe learning environment in a field where safety is key. The reasoning also included the role of responsibility in increasing and developing expertise as it further adds to work efficiency, productivity, safety, and sensibility.


Next Verkosto - Network trade fair coming in January 2025


The Network - Verkosto will next be powered up between January 22–23, 2025. This headlining event in the field of energy and information networks provides relevant experts with an exceptional platform for encounters, innovations, and latest solutions. As the industry undergoes a major transformation and the changes are becoming more and more concrete, in two years’ time the energising Network fair will once again deliver on their special position and the inspiring expectations of the sector.


The Network trade fair is a main event for the energy and information network industry, comprising content, products, and services provided by the information, electrical, heating, and gas network industries. The Network event is organised by the Tampere Trade Fairs Group in cooperation with Finnish Energy, Adato Energia Oy, Teleprikaati Oy, Tieturi Oy, Palveleva Kaukolämpö FinDHC ry, and the Finnish Work Safety Association (STYL). Tampereen Sähkölaitos was the partner company for the Network 2023 fair. The Network fair was organised for the fourteenth time in 2023.


ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:, #verkosto #verkostonuusiaika
Tampere Trade Fairs Group,,
Jani Maja, Sales Manager, Project Manager for Network, +358 50 356 1325
Sirkka Laine, Communications Specialist, +358 40 612 9081

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