Etusivu » For exhibitors » Safe events during the pandemic

Safe events during the pandemic


Frequently Asked

Frequently asked questions about exceptional arrangements.


Remember to take these things into account.

Safe Spaces

Information on how the safety of the premises is taken care of.


For Tampere Trade Fairs, providing safe events for exhibitors, constructors, and visitors alike is of utmost importance, and that is why the company has safety instructions that are followed at all the group-organised events. Tampere Trade Fairs events are carried out in accordance with the guidelines, restrictions, and public health security measures by the Regional State Administrative Agency and the National Institute for Health and Welfare.


We closely follow the regulations and recommendations from the above-mentioned authorities and consider all the latest measures that apply to public events.


Exhibition centres and similar premises where exhibitions and fairs are organised are by nature large and built with sizable public events in mind. Therefore their hygiene level is already high. Exhibition halls provide face masks and hand sanitizer.


These pages offer information about our premises and measures during the pandemic. You will also find out how to be a responsible eventgoer and learn answers to frequently asked questions.

Practical instructions
Builders’ instructions
Services for exhibitors
Additional visibility services
Tips for fairs
Construction and dismantling schedules
Request for a quotation
Ready-made stand
Getting here
Technical Orders »
General Contractual Terms
Safe events during the pandemic »
Safe Spaces
Frequently Asked


Customer Service

tel. +358 (0)207 701 222

(Mon–Fri 9 am –3 pm) 


How can we help you?

0207 701 222

Open on weekdays 9 am - 3 pm